세상엔 구글말고도 선행(자선 및 환경운동)까지 장려하는 검색엔진이 있다! 프랑스의 Youcare(유케어), 영국의 SearchScene(써치씬) 외

I was really impressed when I saw the news on SNS that there is a leading site with #search engine like Google!

フランスの#YouCare#ユーケアはトーマス·モロー(Thomas Moreau)とチャールズ·ティエリー(Charles Thiery)が革新的な技術を通じてより良い世の中を作る新しいベンチャー事業について議論し、「ほとんどの人が毎日することは何だろうか?」と自問し、人々は検索エンジンを通じてコンピューターや携帯電話でインターネット検索をするという考えに着眼し、ユーザーの検索を先行に変える革新的な新しいインターネット検索エンジンを開発することになったと-他の検索エンジンのようにユーケアは広告主から利益を創出するが、指定された先行して、指定された先行種類には植樹から遺棄動物に飼料を送ること、海の掃除など多様だが、フランス全国の小規模協会と全世界の現場で任務を遂行する資金が必要な小規模自主運営保Protection centers are included.

If you connect to youcare.world on my iPhone, click on the icon in the upper right corner to create a personal account, and select the first word you want to search, you can see the first point in the upper right corner.

If you search on a Korean search site such as “Previous or Charity or Eco Search Engine”, you will find few related sites, but if you search on Google or on a U-Care site such as “good needs(or) charity(or) eco-friendly search engine” in English, you will find English articles!

And then I got to know the search engine site, where I got to know #SearchScene #SearchScene #SearchSceneSpaceEngineerBubneilWilliams and Clara Muldoon, who have children, combined search engine technology with eco-friendly activities to continue planting trees on this planet.

12 Best Green Search Engines Discover 12 Best Green Search Engines for an Environmentally Friendly Future to Support Society and the Environment projects.ecoripples.com12 Best Green Search Engines Discover 12 Best Green Search Engines for an Environmentally Friendly Future to Support Society and the Environment projects.ecoripples.com12 Best Green Search Engines Discover 12 Best Green Search Engines for an Environmentally Friendly Future to Support Society and the Environment projects.ecoripples.com

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