[조의 – 함 ] 회사 호내 칭 – 직급 ch장 회 –chairman [ ]air장]부회 –vice-chairman [어먼체 ]바이]사 ..●●●●-President/CEO/Boss●●●-Vice President●●- Managing Director●●-Director●●-Director●●-Director●●-Director●●-Director●●-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-General●●-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director-Director
[Conventions] – Honor + Last name or full name Mr. Lee [Mystery] Miss Kim [Miss Kim]Dr. Albert Einstein. [Doctor Albert Einstein]

Mr.Mrs.Miss #English #Name #Respect #Men #Men #Women #Women title The title is called respectfully.
[tic2] title – Use honorifics for formal or difficult situations. Mr. [mststɪ(r)Mr.] =mister – male, whether unmarried or married – Dear Sir, Sea Miss [mss Miss] =mistress – unmarried woman – sheep, daughter Mrs. [mss ミᅵᄉ zz Misses] = missus – married woman – Mrs. [ ミズz Miss] = Mrs. + Miss Synthetic word. – Regardless of whether you’re married or unmarried, you can press “-” except for the honorifics of women, “-san-sama Miss.”

[tic1] name – In English, the name comes first and the last name comes later. – Example: Hong Gil-dong (X): Kildong-hong (O) – In friends and easy-going friends, they sometimes call names, nicknames, and abbreviated names. First name [first name]Given Name [Already Name]Forename [polyname] = Name: Example) Guildon Last name [last name]Family name [Family Name]Surname [Surname]= Last Name: Example) Hong Middle name [Middle name] = Name in (write between last name and first name) Nickname [Nickname] = Nickname short name [Short name] = Abbreviated name
[tic4] title Dr. [dkkkt(r)Doctor d]=Doctor-Doctor, DoctorProf[prrffes(r)Professionalsd]=Professor-Professor-Professor-Professor-Professor-Professor-Professor-Professor-Professor-Professor-Professor-Professor

[tic3] title – An honorific to someone who doesn’t know their name. Or honorifics to your superiors. Sir [s ::(r);s(r)Episode] = (Customer), Mr. Ma’am [mmm Main] madam [mddmm Madam] = Madam, Madam, Madam