카라젬 타포린 부직포 가방 주문 인쇄 제작

안녕하세요 카라젬입니다!여러분! 제로웨이스트 운동에 대해 들어본 적이 있나요?제로웨이스트란 환경을 보호하기 위해 쓰레기 배출량을 줄이는 것입니다.코로나19 장기화와 1인 가구 증가로 인한 배달, 소규모 구매 증가, 커피 문화 확산 등으로 일회용 컵과 봉지, 접시, 용기 등 일회용품 사용량이 매우 증가한 추세라고 합니다.

labunsky, 출처 Unsplash

A zero-waist campaign to protect the planet, part of which many people are trying to reduce the use of disposable products, such as using tumblers instead of disposable cups and carrying eco bags instead of plastic bags. In addition, in order to reduce the use of disposable products in daily life, anyone can easily refuse unnecessary items, buy only what they need, reuse them, recycle them properly, and use naturally decomposed items.

Photo Source: Yonhap News

Photo Source: Yonhap News

Photo Source: Yonhap News

Photo Source: KBS NEWS

Regulated facilities include ● Collective catering, food service, food manufacturing and instant sales, bathhouse, large-scale stores, sports facilities, wholesale and retail businesses ● Wholesale and retail businesses are excluded. ● In case of violation of disposable goods regulations, a fine of up to 3 million won may be imposed under the Resource Recycling Law. ● The Ministry of Environment has decided to have a one-year guidance period and has allowed exceptions such as the shortage of disposable cups and the availability of disposable cups if requested by the customer.

Photo Source: KBS NEWS

How to practice eco-life to reduce disposable items like this! Let’s do it together with a carazemtapoline nonwoven fabric bag!

We manufacture and produce small amounts of nonwoven fabric and tapolin bags.With the introduction of a system prohibiting the use of disposable goods, tapoline and nonwoven bags are now essential items in daily life.

We make nonwoven shopping bags and tapered bags that are really useful in everyday life. The use of disposable plastic bags is restricted, and from now on, you must bring your personal shopping basket with you when you appear in supermarkets or supermarkets!Ordinary plastic bags are easy to stretch and may tear slightly, so if you choose a strong plastic bag, you can use it for a long time.

In addition, nonwoven fabric bags are cheaper than other bags, and there is no price burden, so they can be made as promotional/promotional materials for mass distribution, which is a very useful product. There are many places where eco bags are desired not only by public institutions but also by general companies.

You can choose the color of the fabric freely, and the tapoline material is hard to tear, so you can fold it lightly and put it in your bag, so it’s very easy to carry around. The size can also be made to the size you want, so you can use it for the purpose you want.Clean finish Rugged durability Recycled material Light and comfortable color and size anytime, anywhereClean finish Rugged durability Recycled material Light and comfortable color and size anytime, anywhere

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