유튜브 [면접왕 이현] [퇴사한 이현]에서 취업준비생들의 취포를 멋지게 도와주는 얼라이브 커뮤니티 이준희 대표님께서 추천해주신 [일본전산이야기] 책을 통해 직장인으로서 마음가짐을 새롭게 하고자 합니다. 유튜브 [면접왕 이현] [퇴사한 이현]에서 취업준비생들의 취포를 멋지게 도와주는 얼라이브 커뮤니티 이준희 대표님께서 추천해주신 [일본전산이야기] 책을 통해 직장인으로서 마음가짐을 새롭게 하고자 합니다.
취준생이 아니더라도 한 번쯤 자신을 돌아볼 수 있도록 진정한 프로다운 업무 자세와 마인드를 제대로 가르쳐 주시는 분입니다. 취준생이 아니더라도 한 번쯤 자신을 돌아볼 수 있도록 진정한 프로다운 업무 자세와 마인드를 제대로 가르쳐 주시는 분입니다.
제목이 신기해서 그냥 일본에 있는 컴퓨터실인줄 알았어요 -_-;; 제목이 신기해서 그냥 일본에 있는 컴퓨터실인줄 알았어요 -_-;;
일본 전산 이야기 저자 김선호 출판 선생님 앤 패커스 발매 2023.03.29. 일본 전산 이야기 저자 김선호 출판선생님 앤 패커스 발매 2023.03.29.
신입사원에게 1년 내내 화장실 청소를 시켜 그들의 업무 능력을 평가한다는 획기적인 내용입니다. 화장실 청소가 중요하다는 것은 많은 분들이 아시겠지만 업무 능력과 어떻게 관련되는지를 넘어선 의미가 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 신입사원에게 1년 내내 화장실 청소를 시켜 그들의 업무 능력을 평가한다는 획기적인 내용입니다. 화장실 청소가 중요하다는 것은 많은 분들이 아시겠지만 업무 능력과 어떻게 관련되는지를 넘어선 의미가 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다.
1. 화장실을 더럽게 쓰지 않게 된다. 2. 업무 공간에서도 정리정돈을 습관화한다. 3. 모든 장비와 물건을 소중히 여기게 된다. 1. 화장실을 더럽게 쓰지 않게 된다. 2. 업무 공간에서도 정리정돈을 습관화한다. 3. 모든 장비와 물건을 소중히 여기게 된다.
나는 집에서 신발 정리를 습관적으로 하고 있는데, 내가 정리한 곳을 더럽히고 싶지 않기 때문에 점점 깨끗하게 합니다. 화장실 청소도 마찬가지입니다. 청소하기 전에는 너무 귀찮지만 청소하다 보면 아내가 휴지를 새로 꽂은 것, 수건을 새로 넣은 것, 칫솔, 치약 등을 얼마나 사용했는지, 욕조에 때가 묻은 것 등 예전에는 보이지 않았던 것들이 보이기 시작하면서 더 아끼고 함부로 다루지 않게 되는 것 같습니다. 나는 집에서 신발 정리를 습관적으로 하고 있는데, 내가 정리한 곳을 더럽히고 싶지 않기 때문에 점점 깨끗하게 합니다. 화장실 청소도 마찬가지입니다. 청소하기 전에는 너무 귀찮지만 청소하다 보면 아내가 휴지를 새로 꽂은 것, 수건을 새로 넣은 것, 칫솔, 치약 등을 얼마나 사용했는지, 욕조에 때가 묻은 것 등 예전에는 보이지 않았던 것들이 보이기 시작하면서 더 아끼고 함부로 다루지 않게 되는 것 같습니다.
99films, 출처 Unsplash 99films, 출처 Unsplash
It’s not my bathroom, but I hope so It’s not my bathroom, but I hope so
Even simple dishes such as egg rice contain deep affection such as the sense of not breaking egg yolk, the details of sprinkling sesame seeds beautifully, and the proper harmony of soy sauce and perilla oil. Even simple dishes such as egg rice contain deep affection such as the sense of not breaking egg yolk, the details of sprinkling sesame seeds beautifully, and the proper harmony of soy sauce and perilla oil.
Ivant, Source Unflash Ivant, Source Unflash
Also, when I see people carefully organize the things they use when cooking, it seems that it is the weakness of people that they have to work hard and cherish them only when I touch them myself. (I think I’m the worst TT) Also, when I see people carefully organize the things they use when cooking, it seems that it is the weakness of people that they have to work hard and take care of themselves. (I think I’m the worst TT)
What struck me was that through these underlying habits, we will have the ability to understand and lead the minds of our successors when we actually become leaders. What struck me was that through these underlying habits, we will have the ability to understand and lead the minds of our successors when we actually become leaders.
suicide_chewbacca, 출처 Unsplash suicide_chewbacca, 출처 Unsplash
It means that there is a spark in the heart that people can do without hesitation, and the person who can burn it is a professional attitude. In the Republic of Korea, which has long been established as a vertical structure culture, there are still places where miscellaneous tasks called miscellaneous tasks and miscellaneous tasks, such as miscellaneous tasks and miscellaneous tasks, are becoming commonplace as lower employees do. At one time, I also experienced the pain of imitating such a vertical structure culture and losing many important people later. Successors are looking at their predecessors’ words and actions more than CCTV without speaking. It means that there is a spark in the heart that people can do without hesitation, and the person who can burn it is a professional attitude. In the Republic of Korea, which has long been established as a vertical structure culture, there are still places where miscellaneous tasks called miscellaneous tasks and miscellaneous tasks, such as miscellaneous tasks and miscellaneous tasks, are becoming commonplace as lower employees do. At one time, I also experienced the pain of imitating such a vertical structure culture and losing many important people later. Successors are looking at their predecessors’ words and actions more than CCTV without speaking.
sashafemind, 출처 sashafemind, 출처 to remove the splash un-splash
When you order snacks from our company and receive the box delivery, you should take the remaining box invoice and tape cleanly in the drawer, fold the box well, and collect them separately, When you order snacks from our company and receive the box delivery, you should take the remaining box invoice and tape cleanly in the drawer, fold the box well, and collect them separately,
rosebox, 출처 Unsplash rosebox, 출처 Unsplash
All of this seems simple, but it’s never easy to practice in a busy job. However, I knew that it was much better to be at ease than to be at ease, and the joy I got when I finally got along well with my successor teachers was great. All of this seems simple, but it’s never easy to practice in a busy job. However, I knew that it was much better to be at ease than to be at ease, and the joy I got when I finally got along well with my successor teachers was great.
martinadams, 출처 Unsplash martinadams, 출처 unsplash
When I feel that my superiors understand my feelings, it is really reassuring, and it is only natural that everyone wants to be obedient to that leadership. When I feel that my superiors understand my feelings, it is really reassuring, and it is only natural that everyone wants to be obedient to that leadership.
Professionals are detailed. Professionals are detailed.
When I was a freshman, I was told to cut a scab in my ear, but I still think it’s a big challenge for me to practice this part. Even if the details are troublesome, I will be able to work hard again and finish it. This is the key to making me a true leader. When I was a freshman, I was told to cut a scab in my ear, but I still think it’s a big challenge for me to practice this part. Even if the details are troublesome, I will be able to work hard again and finish it. This is the key to making me a true leader.
I hope you will become a person who takes the initiative in what others take for granted and works harder, and become the most necessary person anytime, anywhere. I hope you will become a person who takes the initiative in what others take for granted and works harder, and become the most necessary person anytime, anywhere.
Have a hopeful Monday! Have a hopeful Monday!