축농증 수술 방법 원인 & 비중격만곡증 후기 분석 (1~30일차)

Cause of surgery for empyema & late analysis of non-septal curvature (Day 1-30)

Cause of surgery for empyema & late analysis of non-septal curvature (Day 1-30)

Cause of surgery for empyema & late analysis of non-septal curvature (Day 1-30)

Cause of surgery for empyema & late analysis of non-septal curvature (Day 1-30)

Cause of surgery for empyema & late analysis of non-septal curvature (Day 1-30)

Cause of surgery for empyema & late analysis of non-septal curvature (Day 1-30)

¸ Cause of surgery for empyema & later analysis of nasal septal curvature (Day 1-30), cause of empyema & later analysis of nasal septal curvature (Day 1-30), hello. I’m WJ Wonjin. I tend to get dissatisfied with the shape when I have my nose shaped. However, there were exceptions, but if you have problems with empyema, pig nose, nasal septum, beak nose and bent nose, you need to try to solve functional problems as well as restore the structural shape. If the cartilage inside the nose is bent, breathing becomes difficult and you have to live with a stuffy nose throughout the four seasons, which can lead to a symptom of rhinitis. 1. Causes of empyema: For people who suffer from bisectal curvature, above all, bisectal curvature, the cartilage that supported the inside of the nose bends and causes inflammation for a long time, which often develops into empyema. Most of these patients have chronic sinusitis, loose nasal cavities, enlarged nasal shelves, and non-septal symptoms. 2. Surgery for empyema: I’m allergic to dust, an allergic disease, and I sneeze a lot. After the runny nose moves to the back of my neck, I sometimes have a runny nose. Alternatively, secretions remain in the mouth and may be accompanied by chronic headaches and dizziness. When you live your daily life, you may feel uncomfortable breathing due to nasal congestion, and you may experience thirst. This causes a decrease in concentration, and surgery is often considered. 3. Surgery methods and procedures for empyema and on the 30th day of empyema surgery: The empyema surgery takes about 3 days and takes about 7 days to remove lint. Outpatient treatment is required by the end of 30 days. 4. The first day of surgery: Before wearing the surgical suit on the day, accessories will be removed + painless injection will be given. On the day of the surgery, I had to go to the hospital and wait in the waiting room first, and then I had to do an additional examination related to the nose, but after washing my face, a specialist in anesthesia and pain medicine comes and anesthesia is performed. Anesthesia usually varies slightly depending on the method of surgery, and in the case of empyema surgery, sleep anesthesia is usually performed. Basically, it takes only 30 minutes to cut off only the bent cartilage, but it takes about an hour to transplant the cut self cartilage. If you had to take care of your nose, it would take about two hours, about four hours, because it can cause a lot of bleeding and it’s delayed during the bleeding process. 5. Surgery Day 1: Insert a lot of cotton into the nose on both sides. At this time, tears may occur, and you may feel uncomfortable because you cannot breathe through your nose at all. When you sleep, it’s better to sit with the top of the bed raised than to lie down looking at the ceiling. You can cough while sleeping, and this is because you kept opening your mouth and often dry your mouth, so I recommend you to drink water whenever you want. After that, outpatient treatment removes cotton from the nose at the hospital and provides go-shaking and care. 6. Days 2-3 of surgery: After the first day of antibiotic prescription due to painless injection + headache, the pain may be severe, and hospitalization treatment will be performed for about 3 days. On the third day, the intensity of the pain will surely decrease, and you will be discharged from the hospital, administer antibiotics, and go through the discharge procedure. You can take a shower, but you have to be careful not to lower your head and get water into your nose. 7. Days 5-7 of surgery: Blood ball generation + 6-7 days of lint removalSomething like sputum may move to the back of the neck.I will come to the medical institution to remove lint within 7 days. 8. Days 8-10: After removing splints on Day 9, tape them. 9. Precautions before and after surgery for empyema You may have a slight fever due to weakened immune system, but you don’t have to worry too much. Nose numbness and pain may occur after surgery, but you may feel comfortable breathing. Even if you have a runny nose, biting your nose must be prohibited, and you can go out on the 10th day. However, antibiotics and prescribed medications must be taken, and 30 days of drinking and smoking should be restrained, and extreme activities and exercise should be careful after the 14th. # empyema #pyema surgery #review after empyema surgery

¸ Cause of surgery for empyema & later analysis of nasal septal curvature (Day 1-30), cause of empyema & later analysis of nasal septal curvature (Day 1-30), hello. I’m WJ Wonjin. I tend to get dissatisfied with the shape when I have my nose shaped. However, there were exceptions, but if you have problems with empyema, pig nose, nasal septum, beak nose and bent nose, you need to try to solve functional problems as well as restore the structural shape. If the cartilage inside the nose is bent, breathing becomes difficult and you have to live with a stuffy nose throughout the four seasons, which can lead to a symptom of rhinitis. 1. Causes of empyema: For people who suffer from bisectal curvature, above all, bisectal curvature, the cartilage that supported the inside of the nose bends and causes inflammation for a long time, which often develops into empyema. Most of these patients have chronic sinusitis, loose nasal cavities, enlarged nasal shelves, and non-septal symptoms. 2. Surgery for empyema: I’m allergic to dust, an allergic disease, and I sneeze a lot. After the runny nose moves to the back of my neck, I sometimes have a runny nose. Alternatively, secretions remain in the mouth and may be accompanied by chronic headaches and dizziness. When you live your daily life, you may feel uncomfortable breathing due to nasal congestion, and you may experience thirst. This causes a decrease in concentration, and surgery is often considered. 3. Surgery methods and procedures for empyema and on the 30th day of empyema surgery: The empyema surgery takes about 3 days and takes about 7 days to remove lint. Outpatient treatment is required by the end of 30 days. 4. The first day of surgery: Before wearing the surgical suit on the day, accessories will be removed + painless injection will be given. On the day of the surgery, I had to go to the hospital and wait in the waiting room first, and then I had to do an additional examination related to the nose, but after washing my face, a specialist in anesthesia and pain medicine comes and anesthesia is performed. Anesthesia usually varies slightly depending on the method of surgery, and in the case of empyema surgery, sleep anesthesia is usually performed. Basically, it takes only 30 minutes to cut off only the bent cartilage, but it takes about an hour to transplant the cut self cartilage. If you had to take care of your nose, it would take about two hours, about four hours, because it can cause a lot of bleeding and it’s delayed during the bleeding process. 5. Surgery Day 1: Insert a lot of cotton into the nose on both sides. At this time, tears may occur, and you may feel uncomfortable because you cannot breathe through your nose at all. When you sleep, it’s better to sit with the top of the bed raised than to lie down looking at the ceiling. You can cough while sleeping, and this is because you kept opening your mouth and often dry your mouth, so I recommend you to drink water whenever you want. After that, outpatient treatment removes cotton from the nose at the hospital and provides go-shaking and care. 6. Days 2-3 of surgery: After the first day of antibiotic prescription due to painless injection + headache, the pain may be severe, and hospitalization treatment will be performed for about 3 days. On the third day, the intensity of the pain will surely decrease, and you will be discharged from the hospital, administer antibiotics, and go through the discharge procedure. You can take a shower, but you have to be careful not to lower your head and get water into your nose. 7. Days 5-7 of surgery: Blood ball generation + 6-7 days of lint removalSomething like sputum may move to the back of the neck.I will come to the medical institution to remove lint within 7 days. 8. Days 8-10: After removing splints on Day 9, tape them. 9. Precautions before and after surgery for empyema You may have a slight fever due to weakened immune system, but you don’t have to worry too much. Nose numbness and pain may occur after surgery, but you may feel comfortable breathing. Even if you have a runny nose, biting your nose must be prohibited, and you can go out on the 10th day. However, antibiotics and prescribed medications must be taken, and 30 days of drinking and smoking should be restrained, and extreme activities and exercise should be careful after the 14th. # empyema #pyema surgery #review after empyema surgery

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