ロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.5분 이상 소요될 수 있으며, 영상의 길이에 따라 소요 시간은 달라집니다. 분당쌍꺼풀 수술 잘하는곳 이상적인 눈으로 재생 수1 0 topleft rightbottom마우스를 드래그 하세요360° Video도움말 MULTI TRACK멀티트랙의 트랙별 영상은 우측 관련영상에서 볼 수 있습니다.선거광고 안내 음소거00:00 | 00:32 화질 선택 옵션자동 자동 144p 270p 480p 화질 전체화면 00:00 00:06 00:13 00:19 00:25 광고정보 더보기초 후 SKIP초 후 재생SKIP광고 후 계속됩니다.SNS●●●●●●バンドTwitterFacebookブログカフェURL 주소복사HTML 소스544 x 306740 x 416936 x 5261280 x 720복사Flash 미지원으로 Object 코드 퍼가기 기능은 더 이상 지원되지않습니다.도움말 플레이어 URL 복사 레이어 닫기분당쌍꺼풀 수술 잘하는곳 이상적인 눈으로
The first thing most people see when they meet someone else for the first time is the eyes.Therefore, eye surgery is considered the most effective way to improve individual’s first impression, mood, and image.The reason why Bundang double eyelid surgery is attracting attention as one of the most common plastic surgery regardless of gender is that small changes can make a big difference.Double eyelid is a line formed by the adhesion of the muscles around the eyes, the eyelid plate, and the upper eyelid lifting muscles, which makes the eyes look a little bigger and clearer.Recently, more and more people are completing their sworn eyes through incision and non-cut double eyelid surgery in Bundang.
Topline Clinic 806th floor, Yamashiro-daero, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
The Bundang double eyelid clinic, which is good at double eyelid surgery, is considering the overall face line and the Bundang double eyelid line to create the most natural impression in line with the recent trend of natural eye surgery.If you are good at double surgery that accurately understands structural characteristics such as facial skeleton and atmosphere, eye bone position, and eyelid muscles, and improves satisfaction, please visit our top line orthopedic department.
The advantage of the burial method is that it will be easy to re-investigate and operate in the future, and that it will not leave any scars and the recovery period will be fast because it will not make an incision.However, if the skin of the eyelids is thick or the eyelids are fat and need to be removed, surgery may be required by incision or partial incision.In other words, the burial method is suitable for cases where the eyelids are thin, the eyes are not thick with muscles or fat layers, and the eyelids are not loose.This is suitable for office workers and students who want to return to their daily lives quickly and not stand out.
The incision method is a type of surgery suitable for patients with thick upper eyelid skin.The point is to open the skin of the upper eyelid and then use the incision line to make wrinkles inside the eyes and enlarge the eyes up and down.It also processes the fat inside the upper eyelid and upper eyelid to make the eyes more beautiful.Among eye surgery, double eyelid surgery is said to have a big impact on the image as well as depending on the design.Therefore, you can get satisfactory results only if you find a surgery method and a design that suits you according to each series and do double eyelid surgery where you are good at it.The top line, which is good at double eyelid surgery, plans surgery according to the characteristics of individual eyes after thorough consultation with buried surgery and preoperative medical staff.After proper removal of excessive skin, muscles and fat, it creates adhesion between the muscles under the skin and the area in front of the diaphragm, creating a natural double line.Topline Clinic Orthopedic Surgery with Ideal Eyes for Bundang Double Eyelid SurgeryPartial incision is a good way for thick eyelids, but it doesn’t swell easily and the skin doesn’t droop.The top line removes fat and muscle through a small incision of 2-3mm.The probability of loosening, swelling of the incision line, and scarring are small.Top-line plastic surgery, which is good at double eyelid surgery, suggests an effective method of surgery along with accurate diagnosis of eye surgery by type.Every minute, we focus on the natural flow based on the profile from the forehead to the chin during eye surgery, including double eyelids.There are various methods of double eyelid surgery.The method is determined together by Leeds, which individuals want, by burial, incision, and partial incision.are different in appearance, beauty and plastic industry trends in taste depending on the period so as to instantly react.毎分二重まぶた数:術も様々なラインで構築できます。Format::setOutLine–Sets outlining for deformed in outline here, including the basic in-line, such as silky finished an outline.In it, outline a cicada in outline like an outline in an intermediate configuration and outline the length of the eyes, because there is no closed feeling seems longer before he was a little too gorgeous, but not by the burdens is not as high as it in height of the line.We will seek glamour, showy glamour, not natural but there is a greater demand for modern people want to a trend.However, this is very becoming cautious, because not even if they want.the outline recently underwent double-eyelid plastic face looks good in a semi-automatic basically of a lack of the distance between the eyes and eyebrows never it must be secured.The best I can see by an operative procedure, so the shape of the human eye by using the diagnosis prior to the shape of a necessary way, what is the best way we don’t can be said for sure.